Psychic The Marble Method of using the I Ching is one unique way of psychic reading. The one seeking information, writes the question on a piece of paper and the reader, using a bag of 16 marbles, draws one marble for each line of two 6 line hexagrams. Each time a marble is drawn, the color is noted and the marble is returned to the bag before the next draw. This builds up both hexagrams at the same time, the primary figure and the relating figure. The primary figure is the answer to the question, and the relating figure is more information on the situation surrounding the question. There is also a significance in the lines from one to the other. The open and closed lines of the 2 hexagrams are read from a flow of energy starting at the bottom and extending to the top- earth to sky. A few… -
Featured The direct translation of the word “clairvoyance” is “clear sight”.It is defined as the ability to perceive or even see with the “mind’s eye” something that is going on in a remote location without any previous knowledge of the event. Most paranormal professionals and enthusiasts believe that psychic ability resides (albeit unlocked) within every human being. Their belief is that most people do not tap into their clairvoyance because they are either too unaware or unwilling to unveil it, and that it takes perseverance to develop one’s own personal psychic abilities. In other words, everyone has a second sight but it has to be awakened. Don’t worry – you don’t have to obtain a tarot reading or call a psychic phone reading line. It just takes some introspection. There are two basic types of clairvoyant abilities – voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary clairvoyance is generally seen as a good, positive thing…Voluntary and Involuntary Clairvoyance
By admin on September 13, 2017 -
Astrology Chinese astrology is based on the lunar calendar. As with astrology from other cultures, a horoscope is created using the position of the stars and planets for each of the twelve signs of the zodiac based on the year of birth. The Twelve Chinese Signs Rat: Rats are charming and attractive to the opposite sex. But despite outside appearances, they are restless and this sometimes comes across as aggressiveness. Rats are great with money, and love to pounce on an opportunity. They are also very generous to their friends. They love people and large gatherings and always have others around. They also run in many intimate circles and like to be involved in everything they can, leading them to sometimes attempt to do too much. They are good writers and speakers, and success comes easily to them. Ox: Oxen are calm on the surface, but have hidden tempers. They are…Chinese Astrology Explained
By admin on September 11, 2017