Astrology Everyone hates to focus on the bad stuff, but let's face it how can you improve if you don't know what to improve upon? So, let's get to it! What does your astrology sign unpleasantly say about you? Aries (March 21-April 19) Your ruling planet is Mars, the God of War. This sums up your personality quite well, don't you think. Always ready for a battle, you rams never back down. Well, that's because you are always right ... at least in your mind. Advice: Temper, temper, Aries. Loosing your cool when things don't go your way does nothing to boost your popularity. Try yoga. Taurus (April 20-May 20) One word describes Taurus to a tee: stubborn. Getting you to change your mind is like closing a revolving door-impossible. Advice: I understand that you never say "die," but sometimes you may want to admit critical injury. Pick and choose your… -
Zodiac Signs Cancers can best be described as intuitive. They have great faith in their ability to reason, which can in some cases contradict evidence and logic. They are passionate people, and alter their moods according to the given situation, people, and surroundings. Emotions guide them more than facts. Their beliefs may not make any sense to the other zodiac signs, but there is no point in trying to convince a Cancer. What they say goes. Cancers are amazing sources of support for friends, family and loved ones. They are tactful when it comes to expressing their opinions, and judge the gravity of a situation before dealing with it. You will rarely find a Cancer overbearing, intruding, or harsh. They are never cold, uncaring, or indifferent, but will reflect the appropriate emotion depending on the situation. Cancers are stable enough in their romantic relationships to be flexible, as long as the other…Are Cancers Intensely Emotional?
By admin on October 30, 2017 -
Spells Spells are simply active prayers. Just like prayers, spells are used to catalyze or create change in one’s life or someone else’s, most often that of a loved one. They are petitions to the Higher Powers to create the change. Spells are used to connect with our divine selves using our own energies to create changes. Ordinarily, Wiccans/Witches will not perform a spell for anyone who has not asked and had given them permission. Spells, like those that use love magic to gain the good graces of an individual or curses are considered manipulative. Anything that manipulates or goes against the free will of anybody is considered wrong. Wiccan spells The Old English term for witch is Wicca. They used it to counter all the negative stereotypes that society gave to witchcraft. Wiccans use spells. These are rituals and prayers carried out to ask for divine help in a certain…Types of Spells
By admin on October 28, 2017