Numerology Mastering numerology is like mastering any other skill. The more you know about the tools you are working with - the more adept you are going to be at accomplishing the craft. The core numbers that should be the essential basis of any reading are: * The Life Path Number that is based on your BIRTHDATE * The Expression Number (sometimes referred to as the Personality Number, Potential Number and Destiny number)that is based on ALL THE LETTERS OF YOUR FULL NAME GIVEN AT BIRTH. * The Soul Urge Number (sometimes also called the Soul, Soul Path or Heart's Desire number) that is based on a reduction of the VOWELS in your full birth name. * The Destiny Number (sometimes also described as the Inner Dreams, Inner You or Karmic Number) that is based on a reduction of the CONSONANTS in your full birth name. First of all lets look… -
Astrology To be put quite simply, astrology is the study of the stars. The stars as referred to in astrology refer to the planets, the sun, and the moon. Astrology has been used throughout history as a form of entertainment, a part of religion, and a part of daily life. Astrology begins with the mapping of the planets, including the sun and the moon. This map is called an astrological chart. Most often an astrological chart is designed for someone at birth. To determine the position of the planets, sun, and moon for an astrological chart the astrologist needs to know the exact location of the birth, the exact time, and the date of the birth. The planets found on the astrological chart are the Sun, the moon, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury, and Pluto. The earth is not considered because it is the point in the universe from…The Basics of Astrology
By admin on October 19, 2017 -
Psychic There are many questions that can arise in a person's life that cannot be easily answered with the standard methods of a physical reality. Matters of the spirit in particular require seeking into that area of our existence that is called the soul. For one who is not confident in their own intuitive abilities there is the option to acquire a psychic reading from a person more experienced with the psychic phenomena. Finding a competent and, above all, real psychic is essential to gaining a useful understanding of these matters. Because psychic ability cannot be measured in a scientific way, finding the true psychics among the charlatans and confidence artists can be difficult. There are a few ways to determine if the results of a psychic reading can be trusted as useful information. A true psychic will at once focus on your problem, not on how much they are hoping…The Essential of Good Psychic Readings
By admin on October 19, 2017