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Miracle Mastery
  • How to Find the Perfect Psychic Reading
    How to Find the Perfect Psychic Reading
    Now this statement is a bit of an oxymoron. A perfect psychic reading is not one that you hear everything you ever dreamed of hearing. A perfect one is a reading that you are told everything you need to know that will affect your life good or bad. Psychics on the World Wide Web are a dime a dozen, but the good ones are like gems in a mine. Just like psychic reading sites themselves. They can be found in the millions on the internet but that does not mean they are all reputable. You have to look hard to find one that is the right one for you. A good psychic will tell you your future with the up most honesty, at the same time as council you on the path you are on. Sugar coating is good in a dessert but definitely not in a psychic reading. The…
  • Casting Runes to Give a Psychic Reading
    More New Age
    Casting Runes to Give a Psychic Reading
    Runes are the chosen divination tool of many who give psychic readings. Casting runes will allow the reader to give a more comprehensive reading than with many other forms of divination. This method of rune casting will give a comprehensive and detailed view of the person's situation, it will tell the person where they are on the spiritual path. Nine is a magical number according to Norse mythology. Pick nine runes from the pouch. Hold them for a few minutes and focus on your question. Now scatter them on the table or another hard surface. Read the runes that have landed face up first. They will relate to the current situation. Runes more toward the center are the most relevant as to time. Those laying around the outside are of less importance and are about events to come. If any of the runes are touching, they usually are related to…
  • Divination Without Being Psychic
    Divination Without Being Psychic
    When we think about spiritual inquiring and divination, we often think that one needs to be psychic in order to do so. Well, that is not true. If one is not psychic, how does one clarify spiritual-based queries about oneself? There are 2 methods that I know of, namely Applied Kinesiology and Pendulum Reading. Using Applied Kinesiology or Muscle testing, it is possible to ask our own body and the soul/mind questions and get 'Yes' or 'No' responses. Applied Kinesiology works by gauging the reaction of certain muscle after asking the intended question. A strong response from the muscle means a 'Yes', while a 'No' will elicit a weak reaction. Uncertainty to a question will also yield a 'No' or weak response. Applied Kinesiology can be performed alone or with the help of an assistant. One of the easiest way to muscle test is to use the arms. For clear…
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How to Read Tarot Cards
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