Tarot Tarot cards are among the most popular of card types in the world. Collected for their card value, as well as notorious for the "fortune telling powers" entailed in their usage, the popularity of tarot cards is evident. Basically, the interpretation of tarot card deck entails variations, in terms of their meanings and symbolism. Depending on the type of tarot card deck, as well as the type of spread, a tarot card deck interpretation could mean one thing over that of another. Tarot cards are basically a deck of cards populated by 21 trump cards. The types of tarot cards are quite popular, if not for the symbolism they represent in tarot card readings, but also for the art tarot cards are known to entail. Here are some of the more popular of tarot cards, with a brief description as to what they are, and what they represent in the… -
Tarot Have you ever been inside a gypsy tent in a carnival or fair? Chances are, you might have stepped inside one because the person inside can allegedly foretell your future. Typically, the diviner, usually a middle-aged woman dressed in a gypsy costume, uses cards with strange illustrations to tell you of your future. These cards are called tarots. A full set of tarots comprises of seventy-eight cards. The cards are then divided into two distinct parts. One: The Major Arcana or greater secrets. Typically, known as trump cards, these are twenty-one cards without suits. These cards are known by their titles: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, and The World. There is a twenty-second card called The Fool.…Tarots and Some Deck Variations
By admin on November 13, 2017 -
Tarot Tarot cards are used as a tool for psychics to link in with spirits and guides to offer guidance that may relate to past, present and occasionally, the future. Tarot cards can be laid out in various ways and any number of cards drawn. Some psychics may even use a combination of 2-3 tarot decks. Ultimately, the messages and guidance offered will be of meaning and of truth, and essentially, a message that needs to be given to the recipient. All tarot cards come with meanings and some people may only use this way of giving readings. Some psychics however, will throw away the books accompanying the tarot cards, and use only links with spirit to give messages. These psychics/mediums use only information that is received on a truly spiritual link and are not practised in fictional fortune telling methods. The duration of tarot psychic readings given will vary. How…Tarot Cards & Tools
By admin on October 24, 2017