There are twenty four total Runes. This can seem like a daunting number of symbols to memorize, but it doesn't have to be. For one, you do not want to memorize standard meanings from a book or online text. While it is a good thing, and encouraged, to review the typical meanings of each Rune, it is even better to take each stone and meditate on it, one at a time. This way, you are getting to know the Runes truly and deeply before casting. You are also expanding your psychic abilities by doing this, as you are greatly opening your mind to something on the spiritual plane. Record your feelings, thoughts, and impressions for each symbol for future reference. As stated, however, it does help to know some basic meanings behind the Runes: Fehu: Represents material wealth and possession. Uruz: Represents physical ability and health. Thurisaz: Represents force, conflict,…