Zodiac Signs The Gemini sign is always the center of attention at any social gathering. Geminis are extremely articulate and know exactly what to ask, say, and do in any given situation. They are people-pleasers, and are very intuitive when it comes to reading others. Since their interests are spread over a large number of topics and issues, Geminis may find it hard to commit themselves to one particular passion. This is why they often fail to meet expectations at certain times. Gemini signs are always interested in learning new things and meeting new people. They believe that committing to only one pursuit will result in missing out on other experiences. They can carry on a conversation with anyone about any given subject, and have the uncanny ability to argue their way out of any situation. Since a Gemini is a people-person, he or she is always surrounded by a large number… -
Zodiac Signs Those belonging to the Leo zodiac sign are the true kings of the world – or at least the people around them. Leos exhibit the courage, passion and leadership qualities of a lion. They are extremely sure of themselves and never second-guess their decisions. They go for what they want in life and do things on their own terms. Although they are known to be self-obsessed and vain, they are never unaware of those around them. If a friend needs help, a Leo is sure to come to his or her aid immediately. Ruled by the element of fire, Leo gets along well with its fellow fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius. Common personality traits in Leos include confidence, positivity, determination, domination, and a free-spirited nature. Just being around a Leo can inspire you to forget your troubles and approach life with renewed vigor. Leos don’t believe in wallowing in self-pity…The Truly Fierce Leo
By admin on November 24, 2017 -
Zodiac Signs Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury. It takes seven days to come into full power after August 21st of every year, and also takes seven days from September 20th to lose its influence to the next sign, Libra. This makes anyone born during these two interim periods a combination of the native signs. Virgos are like virgins: calm, sweet, shy, and idealistic. They like waiting for the perfect opportunity before taking action, and this carries into their choice of partners as well. The symbol for Virgo is a virgin carrying wheat in her hands, which signifies the qualities of wisdom and wealth for those born under this sign. The influence of Mercury makes them patient and observant in their views of the world. They are always the ones to take matters in their own hands, and definitely don’t like being told what to do. They understand the connection…The Virtues of a Virgo
By admin on November 13, 2017