Undo A Spell Items: One black candle and one red candle, A sigil and salt. Make…
Undo A Spell
Items: One black candle and one red candle, A sigil and salt.
Make a protection circle with salt and place a black and red candle in the circle. On a piece of paper put your sigil above and write the spell below the Sigil, after you are done place the paper in the circle you made out of salt but put the paper in between the candles and then light both candles and say the spell out loud 5 times.
After reciting the spell, visualize while meditating for 5 minutes, imagining a black smoke removing from your body and you seeing yourself or the other person being set free and at peace, with your body filled full of light. After you are done, let both candles burn for 5 minutes and then Snuff both candles out with a candle snuffer, or a shot glass only. Do this spell 3 times a day, every day for seven days. Leave everything within the circle so you can meditate and light the candles to repeat and say the spell throughout the day. Leave everything in the circle all week so you can come back to the spell to repeat everything each day, until you are completed. After your seven days are up, keep the paper for a week somewhere safe and then bury it. If you have not felt relief, then do this spell again.
Spell below
( I am free, i am free, from a spell that backfired on me, I am free from negative spells that were placed upon me, may it be from me or from my enemies, destroy and diminish to set me free, clear my mind and spirit please, so dark energies can no longer hinder me, I call upon Hecate to assist me, harm to none so mote it be.)
If the spell is for someone else. (The person‘s name here) is free, they are free from a spell that backfired negatively, (the persons name here) is also free from negative spells that were placed negligently, May it be from themselves or from From enemies, destroy and diminish to set them free, cleans their mind and spirit please, so they are no longer hindered by negative energies, I call upon Hecate to assist me, harm to none so mote it be.)
Date: 1/27/2022
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